Medford Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
14 Union Street, Medford NJ  08055     Phone: 609-953-8914 
Meeting for Worship  First Day (Sunday)  10:00am - 11:00 am 
Clerk: Alice Andrews / Office Hours for the Secretary: Tues. & Thurs., 10am - 4pm

Making FRIENDS in Medford Since 1759
Copyright 2014 
Medford Friends Meeting
Welcome to Medford Quaker Meeting!  

We hope you will find here a source of help and strength, as your presence will strengthen us. We worship as a community for an hour every First Day (Sunday) morning. Our worship nurtures us, helps speak to the needs of seekers, and supports our testimonies on simplicity, integrity, peace, justice, the environment and other social concerns.  

Welcome, Friend!
For up to date information please visit 
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Quaker Cloud