Medford Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
14 Union Street, Medford NJ  08055     Phone: 609-953-8914 
Meeting for Worship  First Day (Sunday)  10:00am - 11:00 am 
Clerk: Alice Andrews / Office Hours for the Secretary: Tues. & Thurs., 9am - 3pm

Making FRIENDS in Medford Since 1759


We gather each First Day (Sunday) in a Meeting for Worship. In the stillness, members wait together for the presence or leading of the Spirit, seeking to find strength, solace and peace. This is the wellspring of Friends’ faith and practice.The meeting hour may be totally silent, or, as is often the case, members may rise to speak briefly from the heart. 
Very often, the stillness is vibrant and full of meaning. You may sense that if you visit with us.

Quakers generally believe that there is that of God in every person and therefore God continues to reveal truth in some way to everyone. They also believe that God calls everyone to be compassionate and caring toward others and to do their best to bring their faith into action. 

Our branch of Quakerism does not have a paid clergy.  Every two years a member of the Meeting is asked to perform the duties of Clerk, opening and closing the Meeting, and overseeing our monthly Business Meeting.  
We practice an unprogrammed form of worship, and, if they feel led, anyone may speak during Worship. Quakers often refer to "The Spices" as basic principles: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship. 

Any one who is interested in a faith community or who is simply curious about Quakers is welcome to attend anytime. 
Meeting for Worship begins with a reading by the Clerk, and then we settle into Silent Worship.